• 49 Years in woodwork industry
• Founder of Wood Systems – Tulsa, OK
• Owner of Kentucky Millwork – Louisville, KY
• Architectural Woodwork Institute 2013 National President
• AWI Education Chairman – 3 Years
• Re-Established AWI Speakers Bureau
• Architectural Woodwork Joint Standards Committee – 9 Years
• Woodwork Inspector for American Arbitration Association – 10 Years
• Project Manager @ Allegheny Millwork -10 Years
• Vice President @ Hollywood Woodwork – 3 Years
• Founder of NCompass LLC – 2020
• Founder of Mike Bell Training Initiative
• Recipient of AWI Rinehimer Award
As seen in Architectural Woodwork Institute Nov 2018 Newsletter…
One of the privileges of the AWI President is to recognize one very special person each year for estimable service to AWI and the industry. “This is the highest award AWI presents,” AWI President Bruce Spitz said, acknowledging that the honor has not been awarded since 2012.
I am honored to present to my very good friend Michael Bell, AWI’s highest recognition, The Charles “Chic” Rinehimer Award,” Bruce said as he welcomed Mike to the podium on October 4th at the President’s Dinner held during the 66th AWI Annual Convention in Naples, FL.
Award Significance…
The Charles “Chic” Rinehimer Award, is named for one of AWI’s earliest leaders and founder. This award honors an individual whose long-time service and numerous achievements have had a profound influence on molding AWI and our industry into an authoritative resource. Recipients of this award must be nominated by the Association’s President, Immediate Past President, and President-elect and then approved unanimously by the AWI Board of Directors.
Recipient Achievements…
Bruce described Mike as “a unique individual who is no stranger to hard work and long hours. He has been the epitome of volunteerism and giving back.”
“Mike’s commitment to AWI stretches far back. He’s served as an Advanced Estimating Seminar presenter, the Education Committee Chair, and AWI Director, Vice President, President-elect and President. He served as an AWI representative to the Joint Standards Committee from its first meeting in 2007 through its dissolution in 2015 after the AWS Second Edition was completed.
He is a member of AWI’s Speakers Bureau, and has spent countless hours developing, refining and presenting AWI’s standards presentations for architects, specifiers, and woodworkers.”
In presenting the award to Mike, Bruce said, “I consider him to be my mentor and he is the reason I decided to volunteer for the AWI Leadership Track.” Bruce revealed that Mike is also soon to be a published author, having written an inspirational book based on his life experiences.”